ZG issues

ambitious  greenfield initiatives  coded K2
K2 stands for shopping centers

1.case study: Buzinski krci
starting point: shopping centers are major means of pertinent development

new gurus were urban designers: architectural competition held in 2005.

an old fashioned urban plan humbly follows in 2006 designated
to redraw the bold idea of architectural competition 
 but detailed plan uncovered terrific  traffic inconsistencies

how the hell shall consumers arrive  into nowhere
12 lanes serving one entrance and who is going to pay for this

result of 2010:

urban policy of surreal planing and long waiting 
 still pondering how to approach the site

2010 starting to build part one only
building site for first shopping mall 2011-02-04
where do we came from and which way to go to
what to do with the rest of the site
 what are public or city interests
are there any potentials for further development and broader private initiatives

is anybody prone to invest in future:
railway station
second interim entrance

2. case study : working in urban context
Urban reintegration:  case study or strategy  
zzpugz clues & cues: 4 act now  tactics

I like TFR and TFT
future Tudjman square in Zagreb
use bike,  pedestrian lanes
where is Croatia
in the middle
where is TFT square
yellow star marks ZG cathedral
now it is the right place for public gatherings - feasting in tents - eating sausages and drinking beer, black beer,  King Tomislav beer


Ma'at is not seen or heard but expected to send SMS

further on projects4ZG by ZZPUGZ  on  http://issuu.com: