learning from Borovje - Zagreb east

Zagreb district  Borovje

pedestrian lanes still missing gentile horticultural touch , please plant trees
through the building where are shrubs, pots with flowers, more private initiative 

linking settlements vast void space -something is missing on the both sides to say hallo 

cheapskates in action: missing trees at least robinia, curb side parking 

enclosure separating denizens
pretty traditional taste 

well equipped villages will provide pedestrian lane with a strip of flower beds, shrubs next to the fence 

abandon gardens on the ground level, elevated or depreciated;  yet not on roof -  leider

that looks comme il faut like a nice start with personal charm 

but white aggressive zigzag fence is introducing private parking
strange but far more interesting than 
a pavement like this obviously instigating car drivers only 

nobody want to live with view on the street 

At the end - the bright example a fence treated 
as playing ground: green stuff dotted with children 

really do you miss some color in wintertime are we dulled by abundance of grayish cheep asphalt

talking about the color and style 

and not to point out an iconographic building serving dash of extravaganza
chained by neighbouring grayish buildings that are to close
please plant more trees

The main focal point an out of hand landmark is looming on the south;

 it is not a mosque,  a campanile or
an invitation to visit Savica lakes

these buildings are not smilling they expect 
trees many trees
thay expect the antegardens
a Main road to be